Why is it necessary to add acid preparations to aquatic feeds to improve digestibility and food intake?

Acid preparations can play a good role in improving the digestibility and feeding rate of aquatic animals, maintaining the healthy development of gastrointestinal tract and reducing the occurrence of diseases. Especially in recent years, aquaculture has been developing on a large scale and intensively, and antibiotics and other drugs have been gradually required to be used less or banned, and the advantages of acid preparations have become increasingly prominent.
So, what are the specific advantages of the application of acid preparations in Aquatic Feeds?

1. Acid preparations can reduce the acidity of feed. For different feed materials, their acid binding capacity is different, among which mineral materials are the highest, animal materials are the second, and plant materials are the lowest. Adding acid preparation to the feed can reduce the pH and electrolyte balance of the feed. Adding acid like potassium diformate to the feed can improve its antioxidant capacity, prevent feed corruption and mildew, and extend its shelf life.

Potassium diformate

2. Organic acids have bactericidal activity and inhibit the growth of microorganisms, thus reducing the absorption of potentially pathogenic microorganisms and their toxic metabolites by animals, of which propionic acid has the most significant antimycotic effect and formic acid has the most significant antibacterial effect. Fish meal is a kind of aquatic feed that can not be completely replaced until now. Malicki et al. Found that the mixture of formic acid and propionic acid (1% dose) can effectively inhibit the growth of E. coli in fish meal.

3. Providing energy. Most organic acids contain high energy. Short chain acid molecules with small molecular weight can enter the intestinal epithelium through passive diffusion. According to calculations, the energy of propionic acid is 1-5 times that of wheat. Therefore, the energy contained in organic acids should be calculated into the total energy of animal feed.
4. Promote food intake. Found that adding acid preparations to fish feed will cause the feed to release sour taste, which will stimulate the taste bud cells of fish, make them have appetite and improve their eating speed.

Post time: Sep-06-2022