
  • Feed mold inhibitor – Calcium propionate, benefits for dairy farming

    Feed mold inhibitor – Calcium propionate, benefits for dairy farming

    Feed contains abundant nutrients and is prone to mold due to the proliferation of microorganisms. Moldy feed can affect its palatability. If cows eat moldy feed, it can have adverse effects on their health: diseases such as diarrhea and enteritis, and in severe cases, it...
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  • Nanofibers can produce safer and more environmentally friendly diapers

    Nanofibers can produce safer and more environmentally friendly diapers

    According to a new study published in 《 Applied Materials Today 》, A new material made from tiny nanofibres could replace potentially harmful substances used in diapers and hygiene products today. The paper's authors, from the Indian Institute of Technology, say their new material has less impa...
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  • Development of butyric acid as feed additive

    Development of butyric acid as feed additive

    For decades butyric acid has been used in the feed industry to improve gut health and animal performance. Several new generations have been introduced to improve the handling of the product and its performance since the first trials were done in the 80s. For decades butyric acid has been used in ...
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  • The principle of potassium diformate promoting growth in Pig Feed

    The principle of potassium diformate promoting growth in Pig Feed

    It is known that pig breeding cannot promote growth by feeding feed alone. Feeding feed alone can not meet the nutritional requirements of growing pig herds, but also cause waste of resources. In order to maintain a balanced nutrition and good immunity of pigs, the proce...
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  • The benifits of Tributyrin to your animals

    The benifits of Tributyrin to your animals

    Tributyrin is the next generation of butyric acid products. It consists of butyrins - glycerol esters of butyric acid, which are not coated, but in ester form. You get the same well documented effects as with coated butyric acid products but with more 'horse power' thanks to the esterifying techn...
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  • Tributyrin supplementation in fish and crustacean nutrition

    Tributyrin supplementation in fish and crustacean nutrition

    Short-chain fatty acids, including butyrate and its derived forms, have been used as dietary supplements to reverse or ameliorate the potential negative effects of plant-derived ingredients in aquaculture diets, and have a multitude of well-demonstrated physiological and...
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  • Application of Tributyrin in animal production

    Application of Tributyrin in animal production

    As the precursor of butyric acid, tributyl glyceride is an excellent butyric acid supplement with stable physical and chemical properties, safety and non-toxic side effects. It not only solves the problem that butyric acid smells bad and volatilizes easily, but also solv...
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  • The principle of potassium diformate for promoting animal growth

    The principle of potassium diformate for promoting animal growth

    Pigs can not be fed solely with feed to promote growth. Simply feeding feed can not meet the nutrient requirements of growing pigs, but also cause waste of resources. In order to maintain balanced nutrition and good immunity of pigs, the process from improving intestinal...
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  • Improving broiler meat quality with betaine

    Improving broiler meat quality with betaine

    A variety of nutritional strategies are continuously being tested to improve the meat quality of broilers. Betaine possesses special properties to improve meat quality as it plays an important role in regulating the osmotic balance, nutrient metabolism and antioxidant capacity of broilers. But i...
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  • Comparison of the effects of potassium diformate and antibiotics in broiler feed!

    Comparison of the effects of potassium diformate and antibiotics in broiler feed!

    As a new feed acidifier product, potassium diformate can promote the growth performance by inhibiting the growth of acid resistant bacteria. It plays an important role in reducing the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases of livestock and poultry and improving the inte...
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  • Affecting the taste and quality of pork in pig breeding

    Affecting the taste and quality of pork in pig breeding

    Pork has always been the main component of the meat of the residents' table, and is an important source of high-quality protein. In recent years, intensive pig breeding has been highly pursuing growth rate, feed conversion rate, lean meat rate, light color of pork, poor ...
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  • Trimethylammonium Chloride 98% (TMA.HCl 98%)Application

    Trimethylammonium Chloride 98% (TMA.HCl 98%)Application

    Product description Trimethylammonium Chloride 58% (TMA.HCl 58%) is a clear, colorless aqueous solution.TMA.HCl finds its main application as an intermediate for the production of vitamin B4 (choline chloride). The product is also used for the production of CHPT (Chlorohydroxypropyl-trimethylammo...
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